Steven Malcolm’s Storytelling is Based On a True Story
February 2024 saw the release of Steven Malcolm’s latest full-length album, BOATS, a follow-up to 2022’s Tree. The title is an acronym for “Based On A True Story.” As that fact would suggest, BOATS is a narrative-driven, cohesive project. We got to talk with the 4 Against 5 rapper to break down some details from the album!
This article originally appeared in Midnight Donuts #3 from April 2024. Want to read the most recent edition of Midnight Donuts? You can do so here!
Midnight Donuts: What initially made you want to do a concept album?
Steven Malcolm: Well, I’ve always been that storytelling type of creative. I myself find albums that have stories and narratives attached are much more interesting and better to digest. One of my goals with this project was to show my creative genius side, so I felt like I accomplished that.
Midnight Donuts: Who is “Mr. Away?”
Steven Malcolm: Mr. Away is a man who has spent his life chasing his dreams and passions. He’s been chasing dreams with tunnel vision for so long that he’s found himself alone. That person who is always travelling, that misses family events is Mr. Away. That person you spoke to last week and throughout the conversation they were looking at their phone is Mr. Away. That person who comes to your mind when you think “they are so busy” is Mr. Away. That person who you call and say “I don’t mean to take up too much of your time” is Mr. Away.
Midnight Donuts: On the intro track, “Truth Story,” you say “Based on a truth story / Based on the simple fact that I’m living God gets the glory.” Is this pretty much the thesis of the album? Could you expand upon those lines?
Steven Malcolm: It’s just that! Period! I recently got to sit down with my mother before making the album and she told me stories of her upbringing and trauma from family. It made me realize the only difference, the true turn in my life, was giving my life to Jesus.
I come from a mother who was sexually molested as a child, grew up in the system, in and out of abusive relationships, even forced into prostitution at one point. My father was a Jamaican immigrant whose father wasn’t in his life. My father was arrested when I was 9 and I never saw him since. He passed away in 2014. Google “Steven Malcolm” and tell me God isn’t dope…
Midnight Donuts: Which song was the most fun to write, and why?
Steven Malcolm: “Story of a Rider” was the most fun to write because it’s the most creative song on the album. It’s the story of the broken father culture in the black community. I come from a community that has way too many fatherless youths. A lot of time it results in two things, death or penitentiary, and we [either] become a product of our environment or have the vision to lead and break the cycle. So, within that, I use movies that I love in each verse as a way to express the scenario.
Midnight Donuts: What would you want a listener’s biggest takeaway to be after listening to BOATS?
Steven Malcolm: Through Jesus Christ, generational curses can be broken. And always remember, never let the sacrifice lead you to loneliness.
Midnight Donuts: What’s a random hidden/unexpected talent you have?
Steven Malcolm: I’m a great chess and ping-pong player.
Midnight Donuts: If you could travel through time and space to see any artist live at any point in their career–who are you choosing?
Steven Malcolm: I’d see Michael Jackson on the Bad tour in the 80s. THEE GOAT!!!
Midnight Donuts: What’s up next for you? Songs, collabs, tours, etc.
Steven Malcolm: Dropping the BOATS deluxe is next! And a lot of collaboration! I’m done being on the Steven Malcolm island. It’s time to drop anchor on the homies and really tap into what God has called me to do. Spread the wings and go! I definitely want to tour but I want to do a college / HBCU tour!!!! That would go crazy.
Midnight Donuts: Where can readers connect with you?
Steven Malcolm: “Steven Malcolm” everything and everywhere. Hit me up, let's chop, let me inspire you.
This article originally appeared in Midnight Donuts #3 from April 2024. Want to read the most recent edition of Midnight Donuts? You can do so here!